My introduction to Restorative Yoga felt like a lifeline to inner peace amidst the madness surrounding me.
Read moreThe Most Important Thing I Learned at Yoga. . . and and How it Taught Me How to Stress Less & Love Myself More
Illustration Credit: "Watercolour Anatomy: Lungs" by Chemical-Adventures from Deviant Art
E-motion-s are meant to be in motion. When we shut down from feeling them, they don’t disappear. They become stagnant swamps of hurt, anger and pain, slowly poisoning us and our relationships until we clean them out. I learned that if I could just keep breathing, those feelings would rise and crest and eventually dissipate. Breathing then became a way of checking in with myself.
It showed me a new way to stay present no matter what the world threw at me. I didn’t have to armor up. I didn’t’ have to shrink away or pretend that everything was fine.
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