I’ve been practicing machine Pilates for roughly 10 years and yes,
- I healed my back pain!!!! And learned to move in ways that avoid aggravating my neck and shoulder. Both of which seemed absolutely impossible for years before this.
- I’ve toned those seemingly impossible areas (like my low belly).
- My arms are more defined then they’ve ever been
- People now ask me if I was a dancer when they see me move (ha!! Had you only seen me as a kid! Thank you Pilates!)
- I’m able to go out longer and enjoy it more when I take out my paddle board
All the common reasons that initially draw many folks to Pilates (though you may sub golf or tennis or skiing for paddle boarding).
One of the common questions I get is from new Pilates students is, "How long til I see results?"
The famous quote above from Joseph Pilates sums it up nicely but over time, I’ve learned that Pilates is not about a quick fix.
- Yes, you will get stronger.
- Yes, you will diminish and forget about your aches & pains.
- Yes, you will look better in your clothes (and out of them too ;)
But it’s also so much more than a workout - it’s a lifestyle.
It’s a way of checking in with your body (which as we all know is not the same from left to right or day to day) and bringing it back into balance.
It’s a way of improving your mental and physical coordination & focus.
It’s a means of walking through each day a little taller, a little more gracefully and fully capable of handling whatever the day brings your way.