I’ve heard a lot of reasons. I’ve told myself plenty of reasons too. What are yours?
No one wants to be in pain.
The amount spent globally on pain management is in the Billions of $$.
Yet SO many people ARE in pain.
Have you ever said (even if only to yourself):
“That’s just the way my body is”? or “I’m just getting older”?
Do you want these things to be true?
Then why are you reinforcing the belief that they are?
Your thoughts shape your beliefs which determine your actions (or lack thereof).
How different would your workout (and your life) be if you believed that your pains were 100% healable?
If you experience DAILY pain and stiffness, you need a DAILY routine for unwinding it.
Think of it like brushing your teeth. You don’t expect that brushing your teeth 2 or 3 times a week is enough to prevent decay and keep your breath fresh.
So why would you expect that working out 2 or 3 times a week is enough to counter DAILY aches?
Your body needs the same level of care and attention you give your teeth.
It doesn’t need to take a lot of time. 10-15 minutes in the morning to work out the kinks from sleeping will leave you feeling energized to start your day.
Taking another 15 minutes at the end of the day to move, stretch and soothe your joints reduces stress, leading to a better night’s sleep.
NOTE - Just like brushing your teeth won’t fix a broken tooth - these quick routines won’t “fix” you. They’re not meant to. They’re meant to promote daily wellness.
Your longer workouts are where the magic of balancing and strengthening your body happens
- and -
it’s important that you have a program that works WITH your body.
. . .which brings us to #1
Teachers, trainers, therapists, doctors are great resources. They can provide insight, education and expertise that would be time consuming to get otherwise.
. . . but no one knows what it’s like to live inside your body like you do.
And all that expertise doesn’t add up to much if you don’t understand how to apply it and if it doesn’t make you feel better.
The best treatment or program for someone else - or - even what worked for you 20 years ago may not give you relief now.
Take in all that the experts have to offer but know that YOU are your own best healer. The decisions you make every day about:
How you spend your day
What you consume
How you move your body
How much sleep you get
Are what will get you out of or keep you stuck in pain.
My goal with my clients is to, not just give them a list of exercises. . .but to teach them WHY a particular movement is healing (or harming) for THEIR body. . . and HOW to work in a way that avoids the risk of re-injury. . .without being stuck doing endless repetitions of the same old boring exercises.
I want them to NOT need me because they’ve become the experts in their own health and wellbeing.
Have routines and go-to moves that keep them feeling strong, flexible and able to enjoy their favorite activities.
Know how to modify any movement so that it prevents rather than aggravates pain.
Know what to do to make it better if pain flares up.
Are able to show up as their best selves for their family, friends and the things they love because they aren’t focused on pain.
Do one (or more) of these 3 reasons resonate for you?
How would your life look if you changed one of these behaviors?
What support do you need to make it happen?
If you’re feeling stuck and don’t what to do, please click below and send me a message.
Let’s connect about ending this cycle of pain and frustration for good.